Friday 14 June 2013

We're moving!

It has finally happened - my boyfriend turned around to me the other day, saying: "I think it's time for us to move out." I wholeheartedly agreed.

This past year, I've been living with my boyfriend, his parents, two brothers and a cat. They're lovely people, who have welcomed me into their home, which I'm forever grateful for. However, I have missed having my own space. My boyfriend's single bedroom isn't quite what I've imagined.

Now, once my boyfriend is on board with something, things tend to happen fast. This was no exception. We looked at a cottage down the road, decided to go for it, filled in applications, and now we have paid the deposit and first chunk of rent. All of this has been planned and considered for a shorter amount of time than my last curry night with work - in fact, it has only been about a week since we talked about looking for something, and now everything's settled and we get the keys on Monday!

We are super excited (and a little bit scared) about this big step in our relationship. I'm sure living together and sharing responsibility for our home and finances will be a new challenge for us, since we are both quite used to having our disposable income right now, and we know that won't last.

Now, let's keep fingers and toes crossed for this new experience!

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