Monday 4 February 2013

A Bloody Issue

I have now spent the last 2 1/2 days in a state of agony. The pain is almost impossible to describe, if I were to have a go it would be like someone is trying to tear my spine in two using brute force and constant pressure. It hurts to walk, stand, bend, sit and lie down. Certain tablets do help, but fail to completely eliminate the pain. Lucky for me, I've had almost a week off work, so most of this could be spent at home, in bed, feeling sorry for myself and wishing I had some ice cream. Next time I may not be as lucky.

So the question is: when are periods going to be recognised as a chronic illness?

So I do realize that for some women it's not really much of an issue at all. At least that's what feminine hygiene product ads would have us believe. But for others, such as myself, that's bullsh*t. Feel confident on your period? Ha. I'd be lucky to feel functional on my periods. I dread the day I'll have to pose as a useful member of society during this time, because I feel so reduced compared to my usual self. Not only am I in pain, I also get terribly depressed, and something in my brain seems to just stop working. I get confused, logic goes out the window, and I feel a strange and disturbing urge to watch romantic comedies and cry.

I don't have time for this nonsense. I now declare myself a man and expect to stop having periods. Or maybe I'm a tree. Yeah. I'm a tree.

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