Well then, advent. And candles.
Also the day I decided to make dinner. See, living in England, I occasionally miss Norwegian food. It's just one of those things. Meatballs for example. My dad's home made meatballs to be precise, with Norwegian gravy, potatoes, pickled beets... yeah. But I'm not sure about the recipe, so it's kind of a silly thing to make when you're cooking for 6. So I cooked it for 3 today. MOSTLY with ingredients you get in the UK.
Meatballs are really quite easy to make. Mince, an onion, an egg, and I used a little bit of maizena corn flour. Dad usually uses potato flour, but I thought corn flour would basically do the same thing.
Pop it in a frying pan with a ton of margarine. This is a real difference between the way my family cooks and the way things are done in my boyfriend's family; at his house, you fry things with a little bit of low calorie fat spray. As little as possible. Here, you use a big chunk of margarine, then add some more.
So unless someone interferes with my cooking, I use a mix between the two. I tend to use my judgement. I'll use low calorie spray if the buttery flavour isn't super important for the finished dish. Of course that means I sometimes subject a dieting woman to more fat than absolutely necessary, which is baaad. Guess I'm doomed to fail any diet, and should therefore probably make sure to stay fit enough to never need one.
Anyway. Norwegian gravy. It would have been an absolute disaster without food colouring, should have let butter and flour burn a bit before adding stock and milk. I also have a very difficult relationship with sauces - it gets too thin, then too thick, and then too thin again - but we saved it in the end, and the food turned out OK.
Now this is normally a cheap everyday meal, is it really fit for a cozy sunday dinner?
Considering it's pretty much identical to what I usually have as my Christmas dinner, I'd say yeah. If only because I don't care much for pork belly and can't stand medister sausages and balls (THIS is why I've got an English boyfriend - Turkey is so much nicer), daddy's home made meatballs is the only thing i'll eat.
So here it is, my home made, festive Sunday dinner. I'm so proud.
Also, for some strange reason I keep thinking it's Friday. WTF?
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